Making Friends While Abroad

Studying abroad is a great way to experience a new culture and learn about different ways of life. It is also a great way to make new friends and connections! When you study abroad, you’ll be surrounded by people from all over the world. You’ll have the opportunity to learn Read More

Category IBS Study Abroad Blog Tag: , ,

Overcoming Fears and Enjoying Opportunities

My name is Baylee Whittington and I just got done attending the International Business Seminars Winter Europe program. We stayed at three locations which were London, United Kingdom; Paris, France; and The Hague, the Netherlands. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to go on this trip. Not Read More

Category IBS Student Blogs, Winter Europe Tag: , , , , ,

Friendships, Food, and Foreign Cultures

Think of your typical Friday night. You and your friends decide to eat out, maybe you choose Mexican this weekend (let’s be honest I choose Mexican every weekend). You sit down to gossip or just goof off after a long week of tests and never-ending assignments. When is graduation again? Read More

Category IBS Student Blogs, Winter One Tag: , ,

Break the Bubble & Branch Out

I want to start by saying I don’t think I’m a shy person; however, I wouldn’t call myself an extrovert either. I enjoy my alone time and being by myself. I like being an observer from the sidelines. I was comfortable in my Louisiana bubble and the biggest “leap” I Read More

Category IBS Student Blogs, Winter One Tag: , , , , , ,