International Business Seminars

IBS Student Blogs

These blog posts have been written by our students. Enjoy learning about the Executive Experience Abroad through our students’ eyes!

How the South America Trip Impacted Me

Three words I would use to describe my winter South America trip would be transformative, enriching, and eye-opening. I got the idea of studying abroad, maybe in my senior year of high school. I had heard of study abroad trips and saw some on social media. I did not think Read More

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Overcoming Fears and Enjoying Opportunities

My name is Baylee Whittington and I just got done attending the International Business Seminars Winter Europe program. We stayed at three locations which were London, United Kingdom; Paris, France; and The Hague, the Netherlands. I am so grateful that I had the opportunity to go on this trip. Not Read More

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When in Prague…

Summer 2023 was my first time going to Europe and I did not want to come back. The International Business Seminars’ (IBS) Summer MBA program took place in Munich and Prague this year. It was amazing! My favorite city was Prague; now I understand why it has been named one Read More

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A Visit to My Mizu

My favorite company to visit was My Mizu. I love how we started off the meeting by talking about the environment where the company works at. We went into this big, shared workspace called Shibuya QWS. This space is a shared workspace that allows companies, students, and workers to work Read More

Category IBS Student Blogs

My Personal Experience and Growth

Going on a trip abroad, especially by yourself, can be very intimidating. But there will always be ways you will connect with others. I came on this trip not knowing anyone or having specific expectations of what was going to occur. I knew I wanted to make as many good Read More

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Pre-Departure Planning Tips & City Favorites

A city by city how-to guide to maximize your time and visit attractions that will soon become lifelong favorites.   Pre-Departure Planning: Approximately a month prior to my departure I started to get extremely excited about the trip. However, I was somewhat nervous thinking about everything I was about to Read More

Category IBS Student Blogs, Winter Europe

Disneyland Paris While Studying Abroad

When traveling abroad it’s important to find something that resonates with you across all cultures. It can be nerve wracking traveling across the world alone, but if you can incorporate your passions into it becomes a lot less scary! My passion has and always will be Disney. I reside in Read More

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Company Meetings on Winter Europe 2022

The highlight of the seminar is having the opportunity to meet and get one on one time with many different businesses and executives. During the Winter Europe 2023 Seminar we met with a multitude of highly skilled and impressive businesses. In London we had 5 seminars: overview of Brexit, Furious Read More

Category Europe, IBS Student Blogs

Planning for the Long Game

Planning and budgeting techniques that I used to save for a three-week trip abroad; and how I am using these saving techniques going into the future.   Searching for the Perfect Fit While I was certain of the personal, academic, and professional benefits this experience would impart on me, the Read More

Category IBS Student Blogs, Winter Europe

Lloyd’s of London: More Than Just a Building

Lloyds of London is a building where insurance and reinsurance business takes place. The Lloyd’s building, also known as the ‘Inside-Out Building’, is located on the former site of East India House on Lime Street. Lloyds resides in the heart of London’s main financial district. This building’s design is unlike Read More

Category IBS Student Blogs, Winter Europe Tag: , , ,

My Finance Experience for the IBS Winter Seminar

As a college student, going on a trip abroad, long or short, can be expensive. Since this is an expensive investment, it is important to know how other people viewed the trip and learn some tips and tricks from those who have gone before you. I will go into how Read More

Category Europe, IBS Student Blogs

Is It Worth It?

Travel to London and Paris on a Student’s Budget Some might ask how I was able to afford this amazing opportunity. I am a full-time master’s student and have a full-time job. It can be difficult at times, as days can grow long, and it feels that there is little Read More

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